Friday, July 2, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Boy, give me one week off and I'll take a month! Sorry about that folks but we have some good news that we want to share with you and so I thought I'd tie in a Happy 4th greeting with that good news!

On Monday, Karen and I spent an hour in a conference call with the people at Y-USA. We talked about the plan we submitted back in May which all of you had a hand in helping us form. And I'm pleased to tell you that our plan has received "absolute approval" from the powers that be! We expect that the grant money check will be cut week of July 12th!

Now comes the hard part - now we have to start putting into place all the facets of this plan to help prevent childhood obesity. I know it's summer and lots of folks are on vacation but we'll need to start meeting again soon as subcommittees to determine how best to implement the priorities and policies we have set in the plan.

So, enjoy your 4th of July holiday - get out to your BBQ's and be sure to eat lots of fresh locally-grown veggies, take lots of opportunities to exercise - swim, bike ride, walk, run, play frisbee - and rest up for the work ahead!

Happy 4th!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That's great news. Looking forward to convening again.

    Happy 4th everyone.
