Tuesday, May 25, 2010

An update on the obesity grant plan

Lots of you have e-mailed me asking when the next committee meetings are going to be so I thought I'd use my Tuesday blog to fill you in on what's happening.

First, thank you all for your time to date. As I think we mentioned, the initial meetings were used to help us formulate a plan to be submitted to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Y-USA on the eventual expenditure of the grant money. That plan needs to be submitted by next Monday and Karen and I feel like we have a really good start to getting that accomplished.

Once the grant is accepted (or denied) we will begin the challenging work of putting those items in place - and that's when the committees will start meeting again. Until we get the nod of approval, we don't want to start working towards our goal only to be told to stop and rethink. We don't feel that's going to happen as we believe we have a good solid plan to submit.

I am sending the outline of the overall plan for your information. Remember, that we are not bound to just this framework as we go along but this gives us a good starting point. We don't know exactly when we'll hear from the governing bodies but as soon as we do - you will know.

Here's the outline of the proposed plan for the grant:

a. Establish a “Pedestrian Zone” encompassing majority of youth-centered sites
b. Purchase bike racks to place in key locations of zone and explore “loanable” bicycles
c. Encourage use of parking hubs within zone to discourage driving short distances
d. Install informational kiosks at high traffic sites with trail maps, town park locations, etc.
e. Develop “Wellness Park” at corner of Rt. 7/School Road
f. Explore small playground at Schenck’s Island
g. Purchase lamppost banners and other signage that promote walking in the zone.
h. Implement Fitnessgram program through physical education departments at public schools
i. Work with collaborative partners to offer “Wellness Wednesday” activities throughout zone that students can safely walk to after school

a. Encourage restaurants to post calorie counts and healthy meal choices, especially for children
b. Produce video: “Healthy Foods Tour of Village Market”
c. Ask supermarkets to post “Did You Know” facts about healthy eating
d. Promote consumption of fresh produce: establish school garden at OLF; support and expand Farmer’s Market and Ambler Farm Stand; encourage vegetable gardening at home and Wilton community plots
e. Work with Library and Continuing Ed to present healthy eating/cooking programs for young people
f. Ask youth organizations to review vending/snack offerings for healthier options

a. Explore establishment of Wilton Wellness Commission
b. Support Greenway project
c. Participate in regional planning for Rt. 7 transportation corridor
d. Advocate for “Complete Streets” in areas of new development
e. Encourage local pediatricians to write prescriptions for more physical activity and improved diet utilizing programs described above
f. Seek other grants to supplement funding of RWJ anti-obesity programs
g. Create an “Advocate for Fit Kids” seal of approval that programs, organizations, events can subscribe to

Stay tuned for more information as soon as it is available.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a very thorough and well-thought out grant plan. It is very encompassing and will benefit anyone who takes advantage of it, and, by virtue of its visibility around town, it will also educate anyone who is not so inclined. Good luck on the acceptance process.

    BTW - I now make it a point to park in one place in town and walk everywhere I need to go. Yeah!
